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T.T. Chou; Chen Ning Yang; L.H. Yu -- Momentum Distribution for Bosons with Posi

发布日期:2013-06-13 字号:[ ]

文献类型     学术论文
标    题     Momentum Distribution for Bosons with Positive Scattering Length in a Trap
著    者     T.T. Chou; Chen Ning Yang; L.H. Yu
机    构     Department of Physics, University of Georgia; Institute for Theoretical Physics, State University of New York; National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory
年 1996
月 5
地    域     Upton, New York
文件大小     87.62 KB
描    述     Abstract The coordinate-momentum double distribution function (r, p)d3rd3p is calculated in the local density approximation for bosons with positive scattering length a in a trap. The calculation is valid to the first order of a. To clarify the meaning of the result, it is compared for a special case with the double distribution function wd3rd3p of Wigner.




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