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Owen Chamberlain; Emilio Segre; Clyde Wiegand -- Observation of antiprotons

发布日期:2013-06-13 字号:[ ]

文献类型     学术论文
标    题     Observation of antiprotons
著    者     Owen Chamberlain; Emilio Segre; Clyde Wiegand
机    构     Radiation Laboratory and Department of Physics, University of California
年 1955
月 10
地    域     Berkeley, California
文件大小     444.56 KB
引    文         6. F e l h a n , Phys. Rev. 95, -1967 (1954) 2. Evans Hayward, Phys. Rev. - 72, 937 (1947) 3. Amaldi, Cas tagnoli, C or tini, Fr anzine tti, and Manfr edini, Nuovo Cimento -9, 492 (1955) 4. Bridge, Courant, De Stabeler, and Rossi, Phys, Rev. -95, 110 1 (1954) 5, J. Marshall. Annual Reviews of Nuclear Science, - 4, 141 (1954)




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