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John C. Mather--A Vigorous Explorer Program

发布日期:2012-11-02 字号:[ ]

文献类型    期刊论文

标    题    A Vigorous Explorer Program

著    者    Martin Elvis, Matthew Beasley, Roger Brissenden

机    构   Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO); U. CO


文件大小   358.42 KB

描    述   Explorers have made breakthroughs in many fields of astrophysics. The early Explorer program included UHURU, and the restructured, post-1988, program included COBE. The science from both these missions contributed to three of the Nobel Prizes Giacconi (2002), Mather, and Smoot (2006) - awarded for NASA-based science. Explorers now operating have marked the definitive beginning of precision cosmology, have discovered that short gamma-ray bursts are caused by compact star mergers and have measured...More


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