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John C. Mather-- Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations in Deep Spitzer IRAC Im

发布日期:2012-11-02 字号:[ ]

文献类型    期刊论文

标    题    Cosmic Infrared Background Fluctuations in Deep Spitzer IRAC Images: Data Processing and Analysis

著    者    R. G. Arendt; A. Kashlinsky; S. H. Moseley; J. Mather

机    构    Observational Cosmology Laboratory; Science Systems &Applications Inc.; University of Maryland – Baltimore County

主 题 词    cosmology: observations — diffuse radiation — early universe



地    域    Greenbelt, MD

文件大小    5.48 MB

描    述    This paper provides a detailed description of the data reduction and analysis pro- cedures that have been employed in our previous studies of spatial uctuation of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) using deep Spitzer IRAC observations. The self- calibration we apply removes a strong instrumental signal from the uctuations which would otherwise corrupt our results. The procedures and results for masking bright sources, and modeling faint sources down to levels set by the instrumental noise are ...Morepresented. Various tests are performed to demonstrate that the resulting power spectra of these elds are not dominated by instrumental or procedural eects. These tests in- dicate that the large scale (&30 ) uctuations that remain in the deepest elds are not directly related to the galaxies that are bright enough to be individually detected. We provide the parameterization of these power spectra in terms of separate instrument noise, shot noise, and power law components. We discuss the relationship between uctuations measured at dierent wavelengths and depths, and the relations between constraints on the mean intensity of the CIB and its uctuation spectrum. Consistent with growing evidence that the 1 5 m mean intensity of the CIB may not be as far above the integrated emission of resolved galaxies as has been reported in some analyses of DIRBE and IRTS observations, our measurements of spatial uctuations of the CIB intensity indicate the mean emission from the objects producing the uctua- tions is quite low (&1 nW m2 sr1 at 3 5 m), and thus consistent with current -ray absorption constraints. The source of the uctuations may be high-z Population III objects, or a more local component of very low luminosity objects with clustering properties that dier from the resolved galaxies. Finally, we discuss the prospects of the upcoming space-based surveys to directly measure the epochs inhabited by the popula- tions producing these source-subtracted CIB uctuations, and to isolate the individual uxes of these populations.


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